Our Financing Partner

Credinvest International Corporate Finance

  • Credinvest International Corporate Finance is the first and only Corporate Finance Firm in Malta, established in 1993.

  • Focused principally on emerging markets principally in Central and East Europe and Africa.

  •  Highly active in financial services and consulting in Malta, a leading EU financial services centre.


  • Exceptional expertise in our core markets and competences
  • Innovative financial solutions
  • Clear focus
  • A “no excuses” approach to finance and investment in the current climate
With our expertise in our emerging markets, structuring skills and political contact, Credinvest International is ideally placed to serve as your advisor and arranger for infrastructure, energy and transportation projects.

Our Focus

  • Development of relationships at sovereign levels

  • We are a solutions driven organisation

Our Services

The firm offers four distinct yet inter-related service segments:

  • Advisory Services
  • Mergers, Acquisitions and Business Development
  • International Finance.


The firm provides advisory services including:

Feasibility studies, business plans and financial modeling,  Due diligence reporting for M&A,

  • Foreign Direct Investment Evaluations,

  • Management Buyout/buyin lead advisory


Project Finance: our international business

We advise Ministries, Municipalities and large corporates on project finance in emerging markets.

We have sector specializations: transportation, energy, infrastructure.

  • We have worked with, and continue to work, closely with major ECAs and other insurers in terms of risk mitigation.
  •  We create appropriate structures to support project finance-ability: for example, offtake agreements.
  • We are actively involved in the sale or transfer, by certain Governments, of inter state related receivables

Public Private Partnerships

  • Credinvest International has unparalleled expertise in the structuring and implementation of projects under the PPP framework, in particular in transportation projects

  • Acting typically from the sell (Government) side, the Firm manages the entire process including project inception, feasibility, substantiation studies, financial modelling, risk assessment, launch of prequalification calls, appraisal and selection, final offer bids, preferred bidder, final negotiation and contract signing.

  • The key factor is to ensure that the project is implemented on time and to budget, and the risks taken by the Public Sector remain at all times off balance sheet.

Trade Finance

  • Credinvest International is active in the trade finance market, including the funding of export contracts, discounting of promissory notes, letters of credit and even receivables originating from football player transfers.

  • Financing lines are available for emerging markets in CEE, Africa and Asia.

  • We also advise and arrange CMA structures which bridge the gap between suppliers requiring payment on shipment and intermediaries or buyers requiring deferred payment terms

Bond Markets

  • Larger investment requirements – Governments or corporates may opt for a bond placement rather than debt financing.

  • The bond issue process can be managed in its entirety by our Team and associates
    and the Bond market remains a liquid, expedient manner for capital raising in larger amounts

Forex Markets

  • Any company doing business internationally is a buyer or seller of currencies.
  • Credinvest serves as originator for a world leading forex dealer
  •  If a Client has an annual forex turnover of over Euro 10 million, then Credinvest would register this company as a forex Client to enable Client to achieve significant cost savings on its forex trades.

Emerging Markets

Credinvest is now active in no less than 7 markets across sub Sahara Africa:

Although the Firm is sector neutral, we specialize in Government backed projects in:

  • Infrastructure, most specifically transportation (railways and highways)
  • Healthcare, as in hospitals, clinics, testing stations

  • Food development across the value chain


The Firm has investors offering leasing services to the aviation sector, both wet and dry leases.

As we know, the airline industry is of such volatility that airlines prefer medium term leases for the airline requirements as against purchase of aircraft.

Subject to mandate, we are able to quote on the basis of (a) a specific aircraft required by the airline or (b) information upon which we would offer the most appropriate aircraft solutions
on the market.

Structured Financing

  • We arrange and finance transactions secured on quoted instruments, namely bonds and equities (listed, ISIN numbers required)

  • This is an expedient service: We quote within 24 hours from receipt of client’s custodian service and close shortly thereafter

  • Transactions of any size possible

Mini Bond Market

Principally, albeit not exclusively, for the Italian market

  • Corporate Issuers
  • Tickets between Euro 10m to Euro 40m
  • Preferred Tenor, 5 to 7 years

  • Listed in the UK or German markets
  • Credinvest provides the full across the board service: preparation of Prospectus and Offer Memo, co-ordination of the reporting advisors, issue marketing and placement.

Non performing debts

Credinvest International is able to structure the sale of non performing inter country debts, subject to the debt itself :

  • Often, various countries, often in emerging markets, are in debt of other nations for the settlement of commercial obligations, often due for several years

  • The creditor nation often does not take legal action against the debtor, as this is not deemed to be a diplomatic solution

  • Instead, the creditor nation engages Credinvest International to discount the receivable on a non recourse basis

  • To this effect, Credinvest ensures a timely and confidential solution enabling the creditor nation to exit with funds and a politically acceptable solution

Bank debt and Trade Credits

The Firm originates and places performing and non performing debt portfolios including:

  • Real Estate secured Bank Loans
  • Mixed Asset and Corporate Portfolios
  • Trade Credit Receivables including municipal and semi sovereign risks